
About Hilde Schjerven

Hilde Schjerven, Ph.D., is an academic scientist in the field of molecular biology with a longstanding interest and background in transcriptional regulation in the immune system.

The overall interest of Dr. Schjerven is to study transcriptional regulation of hematopoietic development and how deregulation of key transcription factors can lead to disease. The main focus of the current work is on the transcription factor Ikaros, encoded by the Ikzf1 gene, and to elucidate the mechanism by which this factor controls both hematopoietic development and tumor suppression in the lymphoid lineage. Dr. Schjerven works at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF, USA), in the Department of Laboratory Medicine.



Dr. Schjerven on UCSF Profiles website

Schjerven Lab at UCSF website.

Dr. Schjerven on UCSF Dept. of Lab. Med. website.

Dr. Schjerven at UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC) Website.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Schjerven, if you have any questions or comments. 

Current Students:

Danielle Hagen , B.Sc. Master Student, (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2016-2018
Marit Rasmussen, B.Sc. Master Student, (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2016-2018
Johanne Vestbøstad, B.Sc. Master Student, (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2016-2018


Marie Hofmann, B.Sc., Master student (University of Amsterdam/UCSF), 2014-2017

Graduate Students supervised & Mentored to Completion of Degree

Ida Lindeman, M.Sc., Master Student (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2013 - 2015
Linn Margrethe Eggesbø, M.Sc., Master Student (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2013 - 2015
Etapong Fonabei Ayongaba , M.Sc. Master Student, (University of Oslo/UCSF), 2014 - 2016

Scientific Publications

See Hilde Schjerven's scientific publications listed here,
or goto PubMed, ResearcherID (I-1437-2013), check Orcid profile, or Scopus record.  

Selected Recent Publications: 

Arenzana T, Schjerven H, and Smale ST. (2015) Regulation of gene expression dynamics during developmental transitions by the Ikaros transcription factor. Genes Dev., Published online: August 27th, 2015.  

Heller J, Schjerven H*, Li S, Lee A, Qiu J, Chen ZE, Smale ST and Zhou L*. (2014) Restriction of IL-22- producing T Cell Responses and Differential Regulation of Regulatory T Cell Compartments by Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Ikaros. J Immunol., Vol 193 (8): 3934-46. Published online: September 5th, 2014.  (*) Co-corresponding authors

Schjerven H, McLaughlin J, Arenzana TL, Frietze S, Cheng D, Wadsworth SE, Lawson GW, Bensinger SJ, Farnham PJ, Witte ON, Smale ST. (2013) Selective regulation of lymphopoiesis and leukemogenesis by individual zinc fingers of Ikaros. Nat Immunol, Published online 8. Sept 2013, DOI: 10.1038/ni.2707 

This publication received a commentary in the "News and Views" section of Nature Immunology as well as a Research Highlight Article in Nature Reviews Immunology:

Comments on above article:

"Fingerprinting Ikaros"

Fotini Gounari & Barbare L Kee
Published: Nature Immunology, October 2013 | DOI: 10.1038/ni.2709

"Two versions of the Ikaros tale"

Maria Papatriantafyllou 
Published: Nature Reviews Immunology, October 2013 | DOI:10.1038/nri3550

Research Support:               

    Dr. Schjerven is an ANRF Scholar and a Hellmans Fellow and is grateful to the research support provided by
    The Arthritis National Research  Foundation, The Hellman Fellows fund,
    UCSF Academic Senate and NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)..

NIH-NCI logo

Contributions - Educational Material

Dr. Schjerven contributed to the educational shortfilm about the discovery of the Icefish by providing material from the 1927 Norvegia expedition, as well as translation of the movie to Norwegian subtitles. The movie was produced by Sean Carroll and HHMI, and directed by Sarah Holt. See more information about the Icefish and the series of educational shortfilms produced by HHMI. This film won the 2013 STEAM award (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) at the 4th Annual New Media Film Festival held in Los Angeles, USA, 2013.

2013 Winner of STEAM award at New Media Film Festival 


Dr. Steven Bensinger, UCLA, CA, USA

Dr. Peggy Farnham, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Dr. Michael A. Farrar, University of Minnesota, MN, USA

Dr. Ann Feeney, The Scripps Research Institute,  La Jolla, CA, USA

Dr. Seth Frietze, University of Vermont, VT, USA

Dr. Michelle Hermiston, UCSF, San Fransisco, CA, USA

Dr. Finn-Eirik Johansen, University of Oslo, Norway

Dr. Hassan Jumaa, Institute of Immunology, Ulm University, Germany

Dr. Scott Kogan
, UCSF, San Fransisco, CA, USA

Dr. Sigurd Liestøl, University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

Dr. Aaron Logan, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA

Dr. Oyvind Molberg, University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Dr. Ludvig Munthe, University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

Dr. Markus Muschen, City of Hope, BRI, Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Stephen T. Smale, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Dr. Geir Tjønnfjord, University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

Dr. Jim Wells, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA

Dr. Owen Witte, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Dr. Liang Zhou, Nortwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA


Upcoming Presentations:


Select Past  Presentations:

9/23-9/25-2016: UCSF/UCB Immunology Retreat at Asilomar, CA

5/15-2016: Immunology 2016 - American Association of Immunologists (AAI) - annual meeting in Seattle, WA (May 13th - 17th, 2016) 

5/9-2015: Immunology 2015 - American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA (May 8th - 12th, 2015)

3/7-2014: Joint Hematopoietic Malignancies/Cancer Immunity & Microenvironment Retreat, San Francisco, UCSF, USA

12/13-2013: Dept. of Lab. Medicine, UCSF and Leukemia interest group joint lab meeting, San Francisco, UCSF, USA

5/24-2012: ImmunologyLA 2012 - Los Angeles, USA

5/7-2012: Immunology 2012 - American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Annual Meeting. Boston, USA (May 4th - 8th, 2012)

April, 2010: Guest Lecture, Norwegian Society of Immunology (NSI), Oslo, Norway

Nov, 2009: Selected talk at "Mechanisms of Early Lymphocyte Development Symposium", organized by Abcam. San Diego, USA (Copy of Program).


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