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Group Members - UCSF

PI Hilde Schjerven, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator (PI)
Assistant Professor
Eta Etapong (Eta) Fonabei Ayongaba, M.Sc.
Assistant Specialist
Biniam Tesfai, B.Sc.
Student Intern
Karissa Hansen, B.Sc.
Danielle Lisa Hagen, B.Sc.
Master student (M.Sc.), Univ. of Oslo/UCSF
Marit Rasmussen, B.Sc.
Master student (M.Sc.), Univ. of Oslo/UCSF
Johanne Vestbøstad, B.Sc.
Master student (M.Sc.), Univ. of Oslo/UCSF


Graduate Students Supervised & Mentored to Completion of Degree:

Name and Degree obtained

Current Position

Linn Linn Eggesbø, M.Sc.

2013 - 2015: Master student
at University of Oslo/UCSF.
Ph.D. student
in Ludvig M. Sollid Group
University of Oslo (UiO),
Ida Ida Lindeman, M.Sc.

2013 - 2015: Master student
at University of Oslo/UCSF. 
Ph.D. student
in Ludvig M. Sollid Group
University of Oslo (UiO),
Etapong (Eta) Fonabei Ayongaba, M.Sc.

2014 - 2016: Master student
at University of Oslo/UCSF.
Assistant Specialist. Schjerven Lab, UCSF


Visiting Students, Volunteers and Student Interns:


Current Position

Marie Hofmann, B.Sc.
Visiting Master student
University of Amsterdam/UCSF, 2014-2017
Finishing requirements for Master Degree
Applying for Ph.D. positions
Tara Kheiri, B.Sc. Working while applying for Masters.
Bryan K. Wong, B.Sc. Unknown.


Upcoming Events:

2/2-2017: Celebration to welcome Danielle, Johanne and Marit, and to wish Eta Welcome back!

2/1-2017: Welcome back to Eta, returning to lab as Assistant Specialist!

Latest Updates:

1/17-2017: Danielle, Johanne and Marit arrived in lab: Visiting Master students from Univ of Oslo, performing their laboratory project work in lab at UCSF. Welcome! 

9/23-9/25-2016: UCSF/UCB Immunology Retreat at Asilomar, CA

8/26-2015: Etapong Fonabei Ayongaba (Eta) successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis work at UiO, Norway. Congratulations! Well done!

5/18-2016: Karissa Hansen joins the group. Welcome!  

5/13-5/17-2016: AAI Immunology 2016 meeting in Seattle, WA 

2/15-2016: Tara Kheiri joins the group. Welcome!  

1/11-2016: Biniam Tesfai and Bryan K. Wong join the group. Welcome! 

9/25-9/27-2015: Eta presented his work at the UCSF/UCB Immunology Retreat at Asilomar, CA.

9/1-2015: Published: "Regulation of gene expression dynamics during developmental transitions by the Ikaros transcription factor" by T. Arenzana, H. Schjerven and ST Smale published in Genes & Development

9/1-2015: Linn Eggesbø and Ida Lindeman successfully defended their M.Sc. thesis work at UiO, Norway. Congratulations! Well done!

2/2-2015: Etapong Fonabei Ayongaba (Eta) arrives in lab at UCSF Parnassus. 

1/9-2015: Marie Hofmann arrives in lab at UCSF Parnassus.

9/27-2014: Linn Eggesbø and Ida Lindeman present their work at UCSF/UCB Immunology Retreat at Asilomar, CA. 

1/15-2014: Linn Eggesobø and Ida Lindeman arrive in lab at UCSF Parnassus.


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